
Women’s Health Innovation Network (WHIN)

Catalyzing innovation to ensure equity in health outcomes for women.
Because Women's Health is Everyone's Health.


The Women’s Health Innovation Network (WHIN) is a new and growing collaboration between key constituents in NE Florida and throughout the state focused on:

  • Improving women’s health care outcomes through the advancement of scientific knowledge and the translation of use-inspired research discoveries into products and services in the market,
  • Increasing equitable access to care for all women, and
  • Engaging more women and under-represented populations in all stages of the innovation lifecycle.
Group of people showing hands together in a circle

Our Purpose

The Women’s Health Innovation Network is a cross-disciplinary, regional collaboration that harnesses resources, proven models, and expertise to foster and drive innovation in women’s health among academics, companies, healthcare, venture capital firms, foundations, agencies, and, of course, women themselves. WHIN will serve as a catalyst to accelerate the development and growth of companies developing products and services to address the health and well-being of women.

A group of women with post-it notes flying around them

Our Vision

To create a world where research, medicine, and innovation give equal attention to women-centered design, where women of all races receive equal healthcare, and where women’s unmet medical needs are addressed through innovation, the advancement of scientific knowledge, and the transfer of research discoveries into products and services in the market. The health of all sexes, society, and the global economy will improve when we invest in female-focused healthcare. 

A photo of woman's hands holding baby feet.

Our Inspiration

Women are the backbone of our society and if they suffer, we all suffer. With the historical lack of funding and research focused on women’s health, there exists the largest healthcare opportunity in generations to make significant strides in improving the health outcomes of women ultimately strengthening families and society. By improving women’s health we improve everyone’s health.  The time to make change happen is now.

Opportunity Awaits

The Opportunity

Improving Women’s Health has huge potential for improving Florida’s economy. McKinsey and Co. estimates that by addressing the women's health gap, we could boost the global economy by at least $1 trillion annually by 2040.


FemTech companies (companies focused on women’s health) are creating high-wage jobs and attracting millions in private investment. Women’s health technology is growing at a 16.3 percent compounded annual growth rate.

Leadership & Partners

Our goal is to expand the Women’s Health Innovation Network to accelerate women’s health solutions to unmet medical needs and improve women’s health outcomes by nurturing technology startups focused on women’s health.

An extensive body of research correlates improving women’s health outcomes to improving the health and standard of living of children & families, and society as a whole.

WHIN Executive Director, Jane Muir

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